Monday, September 27, 2010

In Which a Cat Is in a Tree

I think I gave away most of the story in the title. After coming home on Sunday, I got a call from a good friend and recent alum, who was visiting the 'burg this weekend, wanting to see me. When he and his girlfriend arrived, I opened the door to greet them... and Grace Kelly left the house.

She's done it a couple times before, and she rolls around on the concrete at the end of the sidewalk, and I walk out and glare at her and pick her up and bring her back in. Apparently, she's done this for Cara too, and now has gotten smart about it. Kind of. She ran behind our house to the common lawn. I followed slowly, since I was barefoot. And then she scrambled up a thin holly tree... leaving me on the ground staring up at her a good 7 feet in the air. My friends joined me, and we watched Grace Kelly try to figure out what to do from there. She wasn't too happy with the tiny branches that were the only things that supported her... but she wasn't quite ready to climb down.

I don't know who took more persuading: Grace Kelly, or the tall male in the group. But eventually, he managed to grab her and drag her out of the tree. I carried her into the house, where she promptly proceeded to try to sneak out every time the door opened.

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