Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Making God Laugh, Part II

I posted not too long ago about God's sense of humor.  I've encountered it again.

I start praying for some virtues lately, because, let's face it, I'm in need of some virtues.  Plus I've heard that they are good thing for which to pray.  Here's the thing though: virtues aren't commodities.  They're habits.  So when I started praying for virtues, God didn't snap His fingers and make me virtuous.  Instead He did this sneaky thing where He gave me the occasion to practice the virtues.  Unfortunately, since I do not yet have them, can you guess what's the first thing that I do?

That's right: complain to God about it.

I hope it makes Him laugh, because I, at least, can see the humor in it.  I'm asking for an "A" on the test, and God's giving me a study guide.  Which I don't like, because it means I have to work!  He's answering my prayer, just being sneaky about it.  As Sister Helen Prejean once said, "We need to seriously dwell on the sneakiness of God."  Amen, Sister!

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