Thursday, December 1, 2011

You Know You're Too Tired When...

...  flipping through a stack of notebooks, you discover a 20-page paper that was due before Thanksgiving and have a five-second panic attack because you can't figure out how you didn't turn it in.  Before you realize that you did turn it in and have already gotten it back, graded.

I am currently swamped by papers and exams as the end of the semester draws suddenly near.  So I've been contemplating this statement, from the Building Cathedrals blog:
Women aren’t wired simply. When our mental, physical and emotional tanks are drained, they don’t just stay dry until we find rest. They immediately begin refilling themselves with all kinds of poison–first impatience and anxiety or sadness which quickly give way to self-doubt, guilt, blame, jealousy, irrationality, hysteria and panic, hatred. Rest is the solution...
The good news: I get rest in less than two weeks!  The bad news: everything that needs to be done in less than two weeks!

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