Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Few More Thoughts on the HHS Mandate

The thoughts will keep coming until something changes.  Here is a good article on notions of freedom in relation to the mandate.  The essential point is that not providing a subsidy is not the same as taking away a freedom.  No one is taking away anyone's right to contracept.  Just the obligation for someone else to pay for that right.

Also food for thought:  Here is a chart describing the problems with the Guttmacher study that claims 98% of Catholic women use contraception.  Two points of caution about this.  1) I have not looked closely at the math, so I don't know that the chart uses stats properly.  I simply like the flaws that it points out in the study.  2) Really, it doesn't matter what percentage of Catholic women use contraception.  Pick a sin -- I'm sure some percentage of Catholics commit it.  For a lot of sins, I add to that figure!  That doesn't make it right.  It makes Catholics flawed human beings in need of some help.  Maybe in the form of a Savior?

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