Monday, January 31, 2011

In Which I Reassure My Mother

While I blogged about my epic weekend with Ana, I found myself torn. On one hand, I really wanted to play up the sketchiness/absurdity of some of the situations. On the other hand, I know my mother reads my blog. And as I thought over the weekend, as well as other past adventures, I realized that the stories that might make my mother worry tend to have one common factor : Percy.

So this is a story to reassure my mother. Also, to let my female readership know that there is hope

Percy and I went out to CW to get free cider. If you are in the 'burg and don't know, you can buy a mug for $11 and receive free refills of hot cider/tea/hot chocolate/coffee/soda/lemonade/ice cream for the rest of the calendar year. We got cider and walked and people-watched, a very pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon. As we walked, Percy noticed a couple punk-guys making comments. I missed them.

Later, as we were about to part ways, Percy noticed the same couple of guys up the street, headed down the street towards us. He proceeded to walk me all the way back to CCM, so that I wouldn't have to encounter then. Be assured, ladies, there are still a few gentlemen out there. Be assured, Mom, even if I have ridiculous adventures, I do choose my friends wisely.

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