Sunday, November 15, 2009

This Is What a Feminist Looks Like

A friend shared this blog with me earlier today. Apparently, I am not supposed to exist. That was a news flash to me.

I like the idea behind the post. Smart, educated, strong, pro-woman, pro-life, religious women exist. I am not the conservative princess that she makes her invisible woman out to be, but I am the strong, pro-life, Catholic woman she finds. Women are more than reflections of the Democratic party and products of the anti-Victorian sexual revolution. We have minds of our own that can synthesize the best of the various worlds that we experience.

My issue with the post (besides the poor organization) is this : I do exist! I know people do not think that women think, feel, act, and vote as I do, but here I am! I would rather an article that proclaimed boldly : I DO EXIST! HERE I AM, AND HERE'S HOW I PLAN TO ROCK YOUR COZY LITTLE STEREOTYPED WORLD! than an article bemoaning the fact that people don't believe their eyes when they see us.

People don't expect us, and while our current position under the public radar certainly does a disservice to our causes, our element of surprise can be our greatest advantage. If we prove the exception to the "rule" that the world sees, we force people to see that the "rules" are not as hard and fast as they might like to think.

What happens when you meet living proof that your worldview simply is not true? You have to form a new worldview to account for that anomaly. My goal : to be the anomaly that keeps people on their toes, until they realize everything that this world can be.

That is what a feminist looks like.

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